Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crab Kings

Based on a filipino folk story. I added a bit to it.

The Crabs were a frustrated race. Always racing from side to side, and nobody knows what they're doing. It is said that because of the warring nature of the crabs, they have two kings. One in time of diplomacy, and one in times of war. It is also said that if a crab were to be to become too powerful, it was common for him to be assassinated, therefore most of the crab kings chose to stay in line.
During the time of this story, the two crab kings were actually brothers. Though they were related, and looked nearly identitical, they really were nothing alike. The first brother was kind and gentle, and always using reason to solve issues. The second brother was rash and violent, choosing force over words. 

So one day in the crab council, the second brother brought up that the waves were too loud and that the crabs could not sleep at night. Tired, restless crabs could not defend other crabs, so this was a very serious issue. The first brother decided, since he was the active king, that he would reason with the waves. The second brother, though he did not approve, had no say in the matter and thus kept his mouth shut. 

But a sad thing happened. Days went by and the first brother never returned. Though the second brother didn't get along with the first brother, he still loved him very much. Hurt and confused, the second brother rallied all the able-bodied male crabs and started to march towards the waves. 

Along the way, the second brother and his army encountered a shrimp. The shrimp, curious as he is, asked the crab warriors where they were headed. 

"We are waging war with the waves," said the king. "For they have kept us awake and killed my beloved brother."

The shrimp laughed. 

"But your legs are so weak, they have to bend to support your heavy bodies. You will be washed off your feet and die before you strike a single blow!"

The king was furious. He ordered his men to apprehend the shrimp, and torture it with thier pincers. 

"Okay! Okay! I will try to steer the battle in your favor. Please let me go!"

So they let him go. 

They arrived at the shore a while later and prepared for war. This is when the king crab noticed that the shrimp's eyes were set, and he figured this was an anatomical error. 

"Listen, shrimp. You are facing the wrong way. How will you help us fight the waves? What weapon do you wield?"

"I wield a spear on my head," said the shrimp. 

Then suddenly a huge wave rushed forward, and the shrimp swam away to safety. The crabs, since they were looking the wrong way, were washed off their feet, covered with water, and drowned. This is considered the saddest day in crab history. 

Soon after, the wives of the crab warriors wandered to thes shores looking for their long lost husbands. But unprepared, they too were washed away and murdered by the cruel waves. 

After that, little crabs would come to the shore looking for their parents. The sad, old regretful shrimp would stand near the shore and tell them the cruel fates their fathers suffered, but always upsold their bravery. This is why crabs now live near the water. 

They scuttle back and forth, trying to kill the waves. 

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