Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I need new people in my life.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dear diary

Dear diary, 

I woke up today and started getting ready for work when I realized that there was a small spot of blood on my shoe. I couldn't think of what it might be, but then I noticed there was a dead carcass under my computer desk, and I may have accidentally kicked it while I was on the computer last night. 

Thinking it was a prank from one of my friends, I examined the body and realized that it was a real, once living person. In a panic, I covered the corpse in dirty clothes so it would look like the rest of my room. 

I thought about calling in to work but I had already called in this week, and I might have been questioned. I just crossed my fingers and hoped nobody would look in my room. 

The sight of a dead body made my stomach upset, so when grandma asked me if I was going to eat something before work I just shook my head and tried to not look her in the eye. So my dad sits down at the table and grandma starts telling him about this missing person they're talking about on the news. 

I just laughed nervously and said, "that's terrible." 

At work I performed poorly because I obviously had more important things on my mind. I asked my supervisor to let me work an easy section, so she puts me in gaming. Things were going well until I get a text message from my friend. 

hey u wanna hang out l8r?? 

I tell him I have something important to do later and he responds. 

ya i no all about that. ill pick u up from work. 

At this point I'm confused and hungry and I don't object at all. He shows up to work about a half hour before my shift is over and I see him looking at ipods. I walked up to him and told him hey man, I really cannot hang out today. 

He tells me to chill out, and after I get off we leave to get some food. We park in the driveway of a place I don't recognize and I ask him if its a new restaurant. He shrugs. When we walk in everyone starts waving at me and saying hello. I don't know these people, but they seem to know me. 

Its our man, they say. Its that guy! 

I ask them who they think I am, and they pretend like I'm joking. C'mon, man. That's what they tell me. I turn to my friend and tell him I'm not hungry after all, but everyone starts to push me towards the center of the room. 

They tell me I was the winner last night. The winner of what, I ask? As soon as I talk one guy opens up a set of curtains. Behind the curtains is a man tied to a large, spinning circle. 

They tell me I'm an expert at this and hand me a knife. I don't know what they're talking about.Throw! They shout it at me. Throw! I tell them I don't want to. Last night I didn't have any objections, they tell me. Last night I was awesome. My friend asks me why I don't remember anything, but I honestly don't know. Maybe I do this all the time. Why would I forget something like this? 

Throw! Throw! They chant. 

So I throw, and the knife punctures the man through the lung. The crowd goes wild. 

You did it! They cheer. 

The guy who opened the curtains unstraps the dying man from the spinning wheel and starts the wrap the guy in some sort of powdered paper. He tells my friend to take care of the body. 

My friend turns to me and says I need to find a ride home, but it shouldn't be hard because the people here are really cool. Then he takes the body and loads it up in the back of his SUV. I ask him why he can't take me home, and he says its because he has to give somebody else a ride. I ask who? 

"You see that drunk guy right there? He's not gonna remember anything that happened tonight."