There is one customer that eludes me and that is because I am not able to get into the head of this person. I am a dude who doesn't like doing anything unless I am completely prepared. I don't talk about stuff unless I know a whole lot about it.
This dude is the opposite.
This is the guy that comes in and is looking for a song. He doesn't know who sings the song, or what the name of the album is. He is not even sure of the genre because its like a mix of a and b. He maybe thinks he knows the name so he calls his brother and he doesn't know either.
Your mission is to get this guys song.
The reason I can't understand this person is because I can't imagine embarassing myself like that. I mean a lot of customers emberass themselves. You have the 60 year old that acts like a 12 year old who complains because we don't carry replacement parts for electric razors and then throws one across the isle. You have the angry soccer mom who gets violent because you're out of wii fits, and they'll "go to wal-mart" but won't find it there either (because hint hint everyone is out). Those people are embarassing. But this guy is the king of those guys.
Imagine if you walked into mcdonalds and went up the counter. Okay lets paint the scene. There is a line of people behind you who also want to eat, and you are here with your friend named Flippo and you spent last night partying with "hot bitches." You tell the guy you want something to eat. You don't know what it's called, it might be a mix between a sandwich and a burger. He thinks it might be called a value meal, but he's not completely sure. He knows though that it had cheese on it.
Maybe he thinks you're a wizard, like you can just conjure that shit out of thin air. "Oh hey bro I heard you fought the balrog in the mines of moria. So there's this song I'm looking for."
This customer is not to be confused with the singing customers. They are similar in a lot of ways, but singing customers will sing the song to you in the hopes that you will recognize it. Though hilarious, it is embarassing to be around these people because they naturally draw attention to themselves.
No this guy is different. After spending 15 minutes trying to figure out what this song is, you tell him you can't find it so there is this awkward silence where you are wondering when he will leave, and he is wondering why you can't accomplish the impossible.